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Friday, January 18, 2008

Tips for Pet-Owning Sellers

Pet-owning sellers may turn off potential buyers if they don’t keep their pets out-of-sight during showings.

If a dog or cat is around during a showing the buyer maybe afraid of or is allergic to animals. Sometimes they fall in love with the pet and don't pay attention to the house.

Here is a list of advice for sellers when showing a house that has a pet:

1. Remove photos of pets from the walls, shelves, or refrigerators.

2. Clean food and water bowls regularly, and hide them when not in use.

3. Stash away pet toys, crates, carriers, and leashes.

4. Vacuum carpets, upholstery, and wood floors.

5. Keep litter boxes clean and out of sight, and remove signs of doggy potty pads.

6. Open windows to let in fresh air.

7. Neutralize odors with fresh-smelling candles and air sanitizers.

8. Hire professionals to remove unsightly pet stains.

9. Board or crate animals during open houses.

10. Repair visible signs of pet damage, such as scratched walls or floors.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bank of America to Buy Countrywide

Bank of America to Buy CountrywideBank of America Corp. announced today that it has agreed to buy Countrywide Financial for $4 billion in stock.The purchase will make Bank of America the nation’s largest mortgage lender and loan servicer. "Countrywide presents a rare opportunity for Bank of America to add what we believe is the best domestic mortgage platform at an attractive price and to affirm our position as the nation's premier lender to consumers," Bank of America Chief Executive Ken Lewis said in a statement.The sale will place the responsibility of sorting out the payment issues surrounding millions of dollars worth of troubled loans on Bank of America. "There's still plenty of risk involved," says Bart Narter, senior analyst at Celent, a Boston-based financial research and consulting firm. "[Lewis] is brave to do it. But I think that it's very likely down the road to be profitable, maybe not immediately, but long-term."The agreement has been approved by both companies' boards and is subject to regulatory and Countrywide's shareholders approval.

Source: The Associated Press, Ieva M. Augstums (01/11/08)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

NAR Makes Tremendous Strides on Public Policy in 2007

Since 1908, REALTORS® have worked hard to earn a reputation as America’s leading community builders and dream makers. Today, the “Voice for Real Estate” is stronger than it has ever been, speaking for millions of consumers in neighborhoods across America. And, we’re just getting started.

Thanks to your participation in our advocacy efforts, NAR made tremendous strides on the public policy front last year, passing legislation in three key areas that will preserve the long-term value of real estate and help you grow your businesses:

Mortgage Relief – We achieved a major victory for consumers caught in costly mortgages, when President Bush signed the Mortgage Cancellation Tax Relief Act in December. We also are making affordable financing available to potential buyers through landmark FHA Reform. We expect this bill will go to conference early next year.

Terrorism Insurance – NAR also worked with Congress to keep the commercial real estate market strong and stable well into the future. President Bush recently signed a bill that continues the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program for seven years.

Banks in Real Estate – For the first time ever, Congress also passed a two-year moratorium on banks entering the real estate business, which will take effect early next year. We also have record support for a permanent ban through the Community Choice in Real Estate Act.

REALTORS® are in a prime position to succeed on many other key priorities in 2008, including GSE Reform, Flood Insurance Reform, Natural Disaster Reform, Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Mortgage Reform. All of these issues are critical to our professional success, a healthy real estate market and strong communities.

Dick Gaylord
2008 NAR President

Dale Stinton