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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Is IT So Bad?

News from the Chief Economist for the National Mortgage Bankers Association, Doug Duncan
Following are the bullet points that he made regarding the current housing/mortgage issues:

 The foreclosure problem in this country is really a story about seven states.

 The biggest foreclosure problem is in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. These are predominantly manufacturing states.

 Since 2001 Michigan has lost 300,000+ jobs.

 The other four states are California, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada. In each of these states there has been a significant overbuilding. 25% of the foreclosures in these states are on properties that are held by investors who were speculating.

 California and Florida have been hit very hard.

 35% of the homes in the USA do not have a mortgage.

 98% of the mortgages in the USA are performing.

 Only 9% of ALL these mortgages are sub-prime.

 75% of all sub-prime mortgages are performing.

 In the other 43 states, foreclosures have fallen in 2007 from 2006.

Source: Toledo Board of Realtors newsletter